Updated in: 02 June 2024 - 11:24

The recognition of Palestine as a country is one of the blessings of the Al-Aqsa Storm

The secretary-general of Hezbollah of Lebanon, emphasized the need to eradicate Israel as a cancerous tumor, saying that because of the silence of some countries and the support of the United States, Israel continues genocide in Gaza.
News ID: 84601    Publish Date : 2024/06/01

Ayatollah Khamenei Condoles Death of Nasrallah’s Mother

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei offered his condolences to the Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement Seyed Hassan Nasrallah on the loss of his mother.
News ID: 84597    Publish Date : 2024/05/27

Almas, A new surprise of Hezbollah for the Zionist regime

The use of Almas missiles by Hezbollah in its recent attacks has surprised the Zionist regime regarding the depth of these attacks and the complexity of the developments on the northern front.
News ID: 84578    Publish Date : 2024/05/26

Hezbollah mourns ‘great brother’ Raeesi

The Lebanese resistance movement issued a statement offering its “deepest condolences” to Iran’s Supreme Leader and the Iranian people.
News ID: 84564    Publish Date : 2024/05/20

Hezbollah launches artillery, drone strikes against Israeli positions

Fighters from the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement have launched several artillery and drone strikes against Israeli military positions north of the occupied territories in retaliation for its ongoing onslaught against the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 84525    Publish Date : 2024/05/12

Lebanon’s Hezbollah hits Israeli regime spy base

Lebanon’s Hezbollah Resistance Movement has carried out a rocket attack against an Israeli regime’s spy base in the northern parts of the occupied Palestinian territories.
News ID: 84502    Publish Date : 2024/02/13

Hezbollah condemns US airstrikes in Iraq, Syria

Lebanese Resistance movement Hezbollah has condemned attacks by the United States on targets in Iraq and Syria, saying the attacks proved Washington’s hypocrisy in claiming that it does not seek war.
News ID: 84486    Publish Date : 2024/02/05

Hezbollah Leader Condemns Ongoing Atrocities in Gaza on Martyrs' Day

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, addressed the public on Martyrs' Day, denouncing Israel’s continuous atrocities against the vulnerable population of the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 84416    Publish Date : 2023/11/12

Hezbollah Leader: All Options on Table Against Israel

Hezbollah Secretary General Seyed Hassan Nasrallah said that all options are on the table against Israel, urging the Zionist regime to stop its aggression against Palestinians in Gaza immediately.
News ID: 84405    Publish Date : 2023/11/06

Zionists on high alert after Iran scientist assassination

TEHRAN (Defapress) - Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah says the Israeli regime's forces are on high alert after the assassination of top Iranian scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.
News ID: 82814    Publish Date : 2020/12/28

Hezbollah Condemns Rabat-Tel Aviv Agreement on Normalization of Relations

TEHRAN (Defapress)- Lebanon's Hezbollah Islamic resistance movement strongly condemned the so-called agreement between Morocco and the Israeli regime on the normalization of relations, stressing that the Arab countries having relations with Tel Aviv will soon regret their move.
News ID: 82747    Publish Date : 2020/12/12

Iran Warns of Consequences for Bahrain, UAE on Blacklisting Hezbollah

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iran will not tolerate any harm to its national security if the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain’s “strategic mistake” of designating Lebanon’s Hezbollah as a “terrorist group” triggers any hostile measure, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson warned.
News ID: 82601    Publish Date : 2020/11/22

Kata’ib Hezbollah:

All Weapons Must Be Pointed at US Positions in Iraq

TEHRAN (defapress)- Amid threats of a US war against Iraq’s anti-terrorism resistance groups, a prominent faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units — better known as Hash al-Sha’abi —reiterated its readiness to end the US military presence in the Arab country, saying all weapons should be pointed at American positions on Iraqi soil.
News ID: 82285    Publish Date : 2020/10/14

Hezbollah, Amal Oppose Lebanon’s Team in Demarcation Talks with Israel

TEHRAN (defapress) – Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Amal movements expressed their opposition to the makeup of the delegation tasked with negotiating the country’s southern border demarcation with occupied Palestine, calling for changes to the team ahead of the first round of talks.
News ID: 82282    Publish Date : 2020/10/14

France rejects US’ allegations against Hezbollah

TEHRAN (defapress) – Paris has rejected US allegations against Hezbollah, noting that there is no evidence showing Hezbollah’s storing explosives in France.
News ID: 82053    Publish Date : 2020/09/19

Hezbollah Censures US Administration for Obstructing Lebanon's Government Formation

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement denounced the United States over blocking efforts to establish a new government in the Arab country, which is grappling with its worst economic crisis in decades.
News ID: 82046    Publish Date : 2020/09/18

Hezbollah Shoots Down Israeli Spy Drone in South Lebanon

TEHRAN (defapress) – Hezbollah downed an Israeli drone that breached Lebanese airspace over a south Lebanon border town Saturday afternoon.
News ID: 81846    Publish Date : 2020/08/23


Israel’s Claim about ‘Infiltration’ Aimed at Fabricating False Victories

TEHRAN (defapress) – Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement denied claims by Israel that its fighters staged an "infiltration attempt" that led to clashes with the regime’s forces, calling the Israeli account a move to fabricate "fictitious victories".
News ID: 81653    Publish Date : 2020/07/28

Hezbollah Raps US Harassment of Iranian Jetliner

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah condemned the harassment of an Iranian passenger plane over Syria by two American fighter jets as an act of terrorism.
News ID: 81630    Publish Date : 2020/07/25

Kataib Hezbollah Vows to Drive US Troops Out of Iraq

TEHRAN (defapress)- A security official for Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah resistance group reiterated his group’s readiness to end the US military presence in Iraq.
News ID: 81528    Publish Date : 2020/07/13

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