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Iran, Pakistan after Strong Parliamentary Relations

TEHRAN (defapress)- Tehran and Islamabad are determined to boost bilateral ties in all areas as officials of the two sides hold that broader parliamentary ties will lead to stronger Iran-Pakistan relations.
News ID: 80428
Publish Date: 06March 2020 - 20:15

Iran, Pakistan after Strong Parliamentary RelationsAmbassador of Iran to Pakistan Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini during his meetings with Pakistani officials, senators and parliamentarians emphasized the need for enhanced interaction between Tehran and Islamabad at all levels, highlighting that parliamentary cooperation and exchange of delegations is a golden opportunity to further strengthen Iran-Pakistan ties to which Iran has always stressed upon.

In this regards Ambassador Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini met with Deputy Chairman of the Pakistani Senate Saleem Mandviwalla at Parliament House.

Convener of Pakistan-Iran Friendship Group in the Senate Lieutenant General (Retd) Abdul Qayyum and members of the group were also present at the meeting.

According to a statement by the Senate, Mandviwalla said that Pakistan and Iran share common traditions, religious values and social aspirations and have supported each other not only on International issues but in the development agenda.

He said that Pakistan attaches highest importance to its historic relations with Iran and we are looking forward to further enhance the traditional ties for better economic and political collaboration through increased Parliamentary linkages between the two countries.

He said that Pakistan and Iran have always cooperated with each other at the International Forums and have adopted a unified stance on different issues.

“The recent years have witnessed enhanced cooperation in defence and security areas”, Mandviwalla observed.  He said that trade potential must be exploited for mutual benefit of the people of two sides.  Both sides need to work on evolving a mechanism to give trade more boost, he added.

Convener of Pak-Iran Friendship Group in the Senate Qayyum and members of the group also welcomed the Iranian Ambassador.

They said Pakistan is keen to work towards unity among Muslims as we can overcome many challenges if we work together. They also underlined the need for direct flights between Islamabad and Tehran.

Hosseini during the meeting said that connectivity is very important as both countries enjoy social and cultural affinities.

He informed that Iranian art and cinema industry is interested to invest in Pakistan and wanted to make a movie on the life of Allama Iqbal.

He said we are also keen to develop cooperation in the field of media by setting up an Iranian media house in Pakistan. He also briefed the Senators about the steps taken by Iranian government to overcome coronavirus.

He said that excellent cooperation has been seen between Pakistani authorities and their Iranian counterparts at boarders.

Regarding Kashmir, the Deputy Chairman Senate appreciated the Iranian counterparts and Iran’s highest level leadership for their support on Kashmir.

He said that the people of Pakistan acknowledge the support and cooperation being extended by the Iranian side.

Iranian Ambassador agreed with the views of Deputy Chairman Senate and stressed for further boosting cooperation in different sectors through enhanced interaction.

Lzst month, Hosseini had warned that foreign hands are actively working to tarnish the friendly and close relations between Tehran and Islamabad.

In January, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that Tehran attaches great importance to developing all-out ties with Islamabad, urging the Muslim states of the region to promote peace with intra-regional dialogue and cooperation.

President Rouhani received visiting Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in Tehran and stressed the importance of close relations between the two countries.

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